Thursday, June 25, 2015


Assalamualaikum & Hello guys.

Sambungan kepada entry semalam.

Semalam dah cerita pasal Geran TUBE by SME Corp. 
Siapa yang terlepas baca entry tersebut...nahhh ni click sini GERAN TUBE & SUPERB

So now it's time to talk about SUPERB by TERAJU.


Superb Teraju Bizpitch adalah bernilai RM500,000 yeah count the zeroes please guys. Ianya adalah geran untuk start-up dan usahawan muda yang mempunyai idea yang kreatif dan inovatif.

Which means, you just need great ideas! Yes, only ideas people..When talking about biiiggg money, well RM500k is big for me..Of course its not gonna be an easy road for you guys. But, usaha itu tangga kejayaan. No..?

Sesetengah geran .. I will not mention which..because I do not remember the names :'(
untuk dapat geran yang banyak, usahawan perlu mempunyai syarikat yang telah beroperasi selama 3 tahun atau lebih. Which this is not soooo favourable untuk individu-individu yang ada great ideas in mind but you don't really have capital.

Me too, eagerly nak join. But the sad news is, for those yang pernah dapat geran under government, then korang tak boleh apply for this SUPERB geran. Bagi can orang lain lah pulak katanyaaa...Some people said, " Alah redah jelah, diorang xcheck kot". Well hmmm...yes true saya memang penakut sikit. If things go wrong..masak makkk...So saya tanak ambil risiko.

So guys, decide betul-betul nak apply yang mane..if you're chicken like mee boooyahh.. Just simply because you can't have both guys. But the decision is yours dudeee so think wisely and decide hokkeyy.

For TUBE, program ni baru diperkenalkan tahun lepas, 2014. So this year is the 2nd batch for them.
I'm not so sure program ni akan ada every year as said before, kalau ianya berjaya memberi impak kepada usahawan ianya akan diteruskan for the next years. And also if they got budget lah kan.

As for SUPERB, they are super kind you now. Dalam setahun ade 3 kali pendaftaran, so get prepared and even if you dah join and you fail you boleh apply lagi sampailah berjaya..itupun kalau korang tegar sengotilah..

So apa tunggu lagi? Go check the website and apply now noww nowwwwww!!

1) Login
2) Login dengan email
3) Kalau belum daftar , sila daftar dan sahkan email
4) Pilih Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris
5) Isi borang online
6) Buat video pitching 2 minit (guna handphone pun dah ok paling penting pitch idea dengan betul dan menarik)
7) Hantar borang
8) Tunggu email daripada TERAJU jika anda terpilih untuk ke peringkat Semifinal
9) Jika terpilih akan ikuti Bootcamp 7 hari di MAGIC Cyberjaya ( dalam 35 orang akan dipilih sebagai semifinalist)
10) Pitching dan lebih kurang 25 orang akan terpilih untuk jadi Finalist
11) Tunggu keputusan siapa yang dapat geran RM500,000 ( 20 orang akan dipilih sebagai penerima geran RM500K)

Dateline 23 Ogos 2015.(This is for 3rd quarter, which is the last quarter for this year)

Once  saya pernah sertai bengkel SUPERB oleh Puan Lily Sabrina, it's like preparation workshop for those yang nak apply SUPERB. yeah I know I tak layak but nak join jugak what..?hehe

Please visit her FB "Lily Sabrina Md Saberi" it's not a link dude..I'm still learning thanks for your understanding   for advice, tips etc. 3 orang peserta bengkel beliau telah berjaya memenangi geran pada 2014. So obviously she is someone to look for knowledge sharing and tips. Some of my entry content pun ada diambil dari FB Puan Lily. So boleh juga check her FB for info.

It is always good to get prepared before the battle. Right? ;)

So, good luck guys!

Oh this is a story from the girl that won the grant.inspiring journey to get a picture of what SUPERB is. Ok?CIPELA FOUNDER


Salam :)

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